Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Here, There and Everywhere!

I can't believe it's been a week since I last blogged! And I can't believe Christmas is practically here! December has FLOWN by! A lot has been going on around here, as Timothy and I have been busy finishing up school, Christmas shopping and so much more. I'll give you a few highlights…

So last week (Thursday and Friday) we had 2 snow days. Actually, I had two days off and Timothy had just one day off and a delay on Friday. There really wasn't much snow here in Rocky Mount; we had mostly sleet and freezing rain. Apparently in Henderson (where I work) they had more snow and felt the need to cancel school Thursday and Friday. I wasn't very happy about the snow day on Friday because I'm not looking forward to making it up – especially since there was no pretty snow here. Below is a picture of our street on Friday…snow day or not? You be the judge.

On Saturday we went to a great party in Enfield, NC. Our friends, Dawn and Mike, invited us to their sister's annual Christmas party which is "the Bee's Knees" around here. Everyone who is anyone shows up. I seriously think 90% of the population of Enfield was there (granted the population is roughly 2,000, but that's still a significant party turn out). This was our 2nd year attending, and I don't know what it is about this particular party, but I find it to be so picturesque. I always imagine Norman Rockwell sketching the scenes throughout the night. The neighborhood is filled with historic homes all decorated in southern class, and the neighbors just walk right over to the party. Everything is just so warm and cozy. I seriously feel like I've stepped back in time when we're there. I didn't remember my camera and was having too much fun/wine to snap a few photos on the blackberry, so you'll just have to use your imagination. We had a great time enjoying good food, great drinks and amazing friends.

We did meet some new folks this year as we mingled throughout the night. We met a couple from NJ (Andrew and Wife) who moved to rural NC to revitalize a historic building and create a theater and arts center. The couple has some great ideas, and I love that they see the need to expand the arts in rural areas. We also met a lady (who will remain nameless) who reconfirmed my commitment to Teach For America and working in a rural school district. Within minutes of meeting this lady she had bashed public schools, turned her nose up at the KIPP program in Gaston, because although they have amazing results and some of the best scores in the state, they are technically still a public school, and then for the grand finale…she asked Timothy and I point blank how we go to work every day and teach children who just aren't smart. We had a brief but informative chat about the great possibilities in all children and then quickly excused ourselves. Needless to say, she should have been part of the 10% that stayed at home. Her ignorance is why I Teach For America.

Finally, on Sunday Timothy cleaned out our hot water heater. I took a nap and woke up to the entire contents of our storage closet sprawled out on our driveway and Tim hunched over the water heater. Apparently the elements need to be changed and cleaned every so often to keep the water heater working top-notch, and Timothy tackled the task on his own. He said it is amazing that our water was even getting warm because he doubted the heater had been cleaned out since the house was built (8 years ago). I am so proud of his handy-man skills! And he was excited because this project required the purchase of a new tool. We have perfectly hot water that lasts for an entire extended shower.

We are headed out tonight on our grand Christmas vacation. We will be in Roanoke, VA, with my family, Asheville, NC, with Tim's family and then in Charleston, SC, for NYE with our friends Landon and Natalie. Merry Christmas Everyone!
Kelly Anne

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